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A personal challenge.

Life, sometimes, can be very challenging to many of us. Some even say it can be a challenge to get up everyday knowing what one must face. I believe that it is true, life IS a challenge. From the smallest tasks to the seemingly impossible ones, we face many challenges everyday, but this is how we measure ourselves. It gives us an opportunity to measure ourselves on just how much we have on the inside. How much do we want it? How much are we willing to sacrifice? How much time and energy do we devote to it? The only place we can find the answer to these questions is inside of us. How do you find it? Do it! Accept the challenge. No matter what it seems big or small just do it. Go forward no matter what. You will be surprised just how far you can go when you absolutely have no choice but to GO! Do it! There is more energy, intelligence, courage and endurance inside of you than you realize and the only way to tap that energy source is to use it! Wanna use the gas in your car to get you somewhere? Start your engine and drive! Get going! I challenge you!

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