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Will Smith shares his secrets of success!

I actually saved this as an MP3 and downloaded it to my MP3 player to listen to in the car. Great stuff! An example of the videos, links, and posts to expect on My Power Charger. Thanks for checking it out!

The Beginning

This is my personal Power Charger Page. It contains motivation tips and power ups and is meant to be a "Pick Me Up" for anyone who may be in a slump, experiencing writers block, a bit overwhelmed or just suffering a case of the "lazies". Mostly I did it for me, in an effort to organize my thoughts. I always imagined a little video game character who must carefully navigate the perils of his little cyber world with extreme caution when his "Power Level" is low. The only way to keep in the game is to find a power source and get your character refreshed to continue his journey. At times, we too may feel unmotivated, uninspired or maybe in a state of doubt or worry. That feeling is totally human, however remaining there too long can be debilitating and dangerous to your objective. I would search for anything I could to pump me up and get me out of my funk and decided to start posting it all here in one place. I hope it makes it easier to have a "Power Source" that you can come to to "Power Up" and get on with reaching your maximum potential, recognizing that you have ALL you need to succeed and realizing your dreams and goals. I will also post many of the tips and tricks I have learned along the way to get the most out of my efforts and help you do the same. I hope you find it to be a useful and powerful tool and visit often whenever you need a "POWER CHARGER"!
~ Gus Romero IV