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Procrastination kills your dreams!

lol ok So a rather dramatic blog title. But so so true. Here are some basic tips to get you thinking right and get you moving. ~ Overcoming procrastination is the toughest of all challenges, yet the solution is so elementary. It is like basic addition. You can do it in 5 seconds or less in your mind & then act on it by declaring it or writing it down. 1) Be consciously aware of what you are doing now. 2) Decide if it is contributing to or keeping you from your goal, your mission, your why. 3) Make a choice to act realizing the simplicity of that choice. It is either A or B; either THIS that contributes or THAT which does not. 4) Then, as a car coming out of a turn, focus, straighten your wheel, and accelerate as fast as comfortable without risk of missing a necessary turn or opportunity. NOW YOU"RE MOVIN! - Watch this funny video and see if this is you. I know I have been him lol Then come back and follow these steps!

If come from inside you, always right one!

This is from the Karate Kid ( 1984 ). Now, like you, I have seen this movie many times. But this scene never fully resonated till recently. Miyagi tells Daniel to try to create a Bonsai Tree. He is afraid he will mess it up. Now that fear of "messing things up" can keep a person from trying many new things and having many new, wonderful experiences. Miyagi's advice is brilliant. He says, close your eyes and picture the tree. Right down to every last detail. He tells him to do this first, which is very important. Now, in our case, we can liken the tree to our whole life. Write down your life. The one you want to create. Begin it all with the sentence, " I am so grateful and happy now that my life is..." and begin. Use your imagination, right down to the very last detail. Do it in love. ( No negative wishes! )Where you will live. What you will do for a living. Whom you will share it with. You get the idea. Now, of course, like trimming the tree, you can make adjustments later. But every night, before bed, review this list of what you want. Then like Daniel, close your eyes and really picture it. Feel it. When you awaken in the morning, ask yourself ( I do it in Miyagi's voice lol ) " Remember picture? " then, Make like picture. Lastly Daniel asks if his picture is the right one. The answer? "If come from inside you, ALWAYS right one!"