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What is impossible?

The word itself is full of limitations. If we wish to have any chance at all at creating a better life for ourselves we have to really understand this word. We have to know that our mind will accept anything we put into it and if we hold our thoughts on what we put into our minds long enough, it will become our reality. This is fact. So then, we must endeavor to believe with absolute certainty that we can accomplish what we set out to do before we do it. The saying goes, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." This means that we must enter into whatever we do with faith. Jesus said in Matthew 17:24 "If you have faith of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, 'Transfer from here to there, and it will transfer and NOTHING will be impossible for you'." BELIEVE IT, AND YOU WILL SEE IT!

Saying YES YES! To You And Your Future!

What will it take for you to believe? What if someone told you that they could see your future, and if you only played the game, they guaranteed you that you were gonna win? What if they guaranteed you that you would not fail? Would you play? It all comes down to a decision. Will you say yes? You have all you need to succeed inside of you, so believe that. Love that. Here is one of my FAVORITE life speakers, The Breakthrough Specialist, Co-Author Chicken Soup for the Soul, Teacher of The Secret and Author of No Matter What! Lisa Nichols breakin it down for us! Enjoy!